First chapter: 2 Weeks….. 20 minutes a day….. using a step aerobics step…. Pfft…. no problem…
OH my gosh let me tell you I was WRONG, wrong.. wrong…. wrong…… I have had my ass handed to me for two weeks now and I’m LOVING it!!
You see I ended last year just working our when I felt like it and honestly towards the end of the year it got harder and harder to “feel” like it. My eating was way off and I could tell by the way I felt everyday.
When I agreed to do this program I made a commitment to myself AGAIN… I was going to do it start to finish no excuses!
For myself I try to make time be the biggest reason why I don’t work out, but the truth is we all have the same 24 hours in a day and there are some days that are harder than others, but in the end you make time for what you want and I want to feel healthy again.
With the program I am doing we were given a tracker to keep track of our weight, meals the workout we did for the day, how much sleep we got, how much water we drank and best of all how much we LAUGHED!!
I can say as I end day 14 I have been 80/20 on my eating…..weekends are honestly my weak-end…… I’m off routine. There’s no schedule on my agenda like there is during the work week so I snack a lot more than I should, but I don’t beat myself up over it. Everyday is a new day to get better and I’m doing better than I was a month ago so I’m content with that.
Out of 12 workouts, Sunday is a rest and prepare for the week I only missed one and I doubled up a day to make up for it. As you can tell from the picture….. I will not do that again.
Cardio is typical one of the workouts that I avoid if I get to choose between that and a strength training workout. I am seriously intimated by it because it’s not once of my strongest areas so like most things we aren’t good at, we try to avoid it when possible. Well with this workout you can’t, everyday is cardio day.
So here’s to the next stage……CLIMB